Monday, August 15, 2016

Garden Time

Garden.. how to use it everyday? We do.

In fact usually at every meal when this time of year comes around, we love it:) Here is one family recipe we love when our garden is on.

Garden Gazpacho

5 early girl Tomatoes
Handful sugar sweet small tomatoes
1 English cucumber
3 slices of zucchini
1 bell pepper
1 avocado
juice of 1 lime
1/2 C avo or org olive oil
2 tbsp real or sea salt
1 tbsp cumin
1/2 tsp zip or dash of cayenne

Put all wash veggies from garden in blender and fill half way with water. Blend and Enjoy with sliced avocado, almond tortilla, slices of granny apples with nut butter:) You can also add some powdered or liquid bone broth to enhance collagen protein.

Sat Nam,G

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